Hawks DramaHawks Drama refers to the staged productions including a fall play and spring musical. We are a "no cut" program, meaning all students can participate in the production if they want to. There is an activity fee associated with being part of the shows. It is paid to the High School office at the start of the rehearsal period and covers the play and musical. Students may also need to pay for shoes, individual makeup kits, work gloves, etc. |
Drama ClubDrama Club refers to the officer-led events and meetings. There is not an activity fee to be part of the Drama Club and ALL are Welcome! The Club brings in guest speakers, schedules field trips, and other events for students. New Members ALWAYS Welcome in the Drama Club!
Club OfficersPresident - Allison Vice President - Cheyenne Secretary - Jaela Treasurer - Jessica Social Media - Tamara and Lola Member at Large - Emily |